This evening concert was only for my voice students.
Remarkably, in this evening we had our choir's debut performance! The Choir started with "Pie Jesu" by Andrew Webber.
Jul. 20 Summer concert for voice students and piano students at Tidball House

There are several musicians in each family.
Parents and kids, sisters, brothers.
What I wish:
For them to perform together.
Sep. 26 Aftonfesten at Le Classique in Fujisawa, Japan
I organized this family+friends concert in my hometown in Japan. I just wanted to see my friends and family, then I planned to meet them all in Fujisawa and to make music together!
We were a group including: Family, former voice students, choir mates in Japan and England, friends from my time in England, my work, my piano teacher, Korean language classmates, friends from secondary school and university, friends from my international exchange programme, and friends I met in Alaska.
We had singers, pianists, Nagauta Shamisen, jazz piano, narration, a composer, a singer songwriter, a horn player, a cellist, a trumpet player and a flutist! More friends contributed with their poems, photography, doing the video recording, displaying their paintings and crafts, their illustrations and designing the guestbook.
How nice to have music and arts in our life!
Nov. 27 Piano students' concert with three piano teachers at Chalmers Lodge

Amy Ma, Mimi Ho and Vanessa Wong.

I sang these songs with Vanessa's piano.
Camille Saint-Saens: Mon Coeur S'ouvre a ta Voix from "Samson and Dlulah"
Gustav Mahler: Das Irdische Leben
Dec. 12 Singer's Evening at Yasutake House
After our home concerts, we always have a great meal together. It is a really nice time to share music and good food with musicians and families!
Ayako's solo concerts at South Granville Park Lodge in 2010:
Jan. 18
Mar. 1 - with a voice student who also plays flute
Apr. 14
May. 10
Jul. 12 - I started to sing with Masako's piano
Aug. 23
Sep. 15
Oct. 20
Nov. 15
Dec. 6
In 2010 I had a one-year contract again with South Granville Park Lodge. It was a performance almost every month. I had to plan each programme, prepare all songs and rehearse with my pianist every month! I appreciate the many solo concert opportunities, and having a pianist expanded my repartoire. Here is the song lists for voice and piano for South Granville Park Lodge not including 2009 repertoire.
Song list for voice
Adolphe Adam: O holy night
Thomas Arne: Sleep, gentle cherub
Johannes Brahms: Standmannchen
Johannes Brahms: Wiegenlied
Alfredo Catalani: Ebben from 'La Wally'
Antonio Cesti: Intorno all'idol mio
Gabriel Faure: Apres un reve
Fumihiko Fukui: Kanpyou
Gerorge Gershuwin: Summertime from 'Porgy and Beth'
Benjamin Godard: Berceuse from 'Jocelyn'
Edvard Grieg: Solvejg's Song from 'Peer Gynt'
Hagg: Jag unnar dig anda allt godt
George Handel: I know that my redeemer liveth from 'Messiah'
Kunihiko Hashimoto: Okashi to Musume
Emmy Kohler: Nu tandas tusen juleljus
Giovanni Martini: Piacer d'amor
Amadeus Mozart: An Cloe
Amadeus Mozart: Das Veilchen
Amadeus Mozart: Non so piu from 'Le Nozze di Figaro'
Amadeus Mozart: Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro from 'Le Nozze di Figaro
Amadeus Mozart: Voi, che sapete from 'Le Nozze di Figaro'
Amadeus Mozart: Ridente la calma
Yoshinao Nakada: Chiisai aki mitsuketa
Toshiaki Okamoto: Dojokko Funakko
Teiichi Okano: Oborozukiyo
B. Plies: Wiegenlied
Henry Purcell: When I am laid in earth from 'Dido and Aeneas'
Henry Purcell: Strike the Viol
Sergei Rachmaninoff: Vocalise
Gioachino Rossini: Giusto ciel, in tal periglio from 'Maometto II'
Anton Rubinstein: Melody F Mojor
Alessandro Scarlatti: Le Violette
Friedrich Silcher: Die Lorelei
Franz Shubert: Standchen
Franz Shubert: Wiegenlied
Richard Strauss: Allerseelen
Richard Strauss: Morgen
Toru Takemitsu: Chiisana Sora
Toru Takemitsu: Maru to Sankaku no Uta
Toru Takemitsu: Potsunen
Rentaro Taki: Aki no Tsuki
Rentaro Taki: Kojo no Tsuki
Rentaro Taki: Hana
Ambroise Thomas: Connaistu le pays from 'Mignon'
Richard Wagner: Traume
Kosaku Yamada: Aka tombo
Kosaku Yamada: Chugoku chihou no Komoriuta
Kosaku Yamada: Kaya no Kiyama
Kosaku Yamada: Pechika
Irving Berlin: White Christmas
Howard Blake: Walking in the air from 'Snowman'
Jerry Bock: Sunrise, sunset from 'Fiddler on the roof'
Charles Chaplin: Eternally from 'Limelight'
Charles Chaplin: Smile from 'Modern Times'
Lee Lange: Cara mia
Hachidai Nakamura: Ueo muite arukou
Alberto Pestalozza: Ciribiribin
Richard Rodgers: You'll never walk alone from 'Carousel'
Richard Rodgers: My favorite things from 'the sound of music'
Richard Rodgers: The Sound of Music from 'the sound of music
Andrew Webber: Memory from 'Cats'
Andrew Webber: All I ask of you from 'the Phantom of the opera'
Traditional: o come, all ye faithful
Traditional: Sakura
Traditional: Santa Lucia
Song list for piano
Johann Bach: Menuet I
Leo Delibes: Flower diet from 'Lakme'
Gabriel Faure: Dolly Suite
Charles Gounod: Ballet music from 'Faust'
Joseph Haydn: Surprise Symphony
Felix Mendelssohn: Spring song
Saint-Saens: The Swan
Robert Schumann: Traumerei
Pyotr Tschaikowsky: Mai, Les nuits de mai from 'Le Saisons'
Andrew Webber: Memory from 'Cats'